My Fees
The German table of fees for psychotherapists and doctors (GOP/GOÄ) has not been changed in over 25 years and has long lost it’s accordance to the work the psychotherapeutical process takes. Moreover do the fees of the GOP/GOÄ lower than those of the public health insurances.
Thus I have decided to raise the factor from the commonly used 2,3 rate to a 2,8 rate (122,41€) per 50 min session.
Private Health Insurance
Usually, Private Health Insuraces do cover the costs for psychotherapy. The number of sessions that will be reimbursed depends on your individual contract. Please talk to your insurance prior to cantacting me and find out, if Cognitive Behavioral Therapy performed by a Psychological Psychotherapist will be payed for and have them send you the required forms for application. The professional fee is being calculated according to the „Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten (GOP, Ziffer 870)“ with currently 122,41€ per therapy session (50 minutes).
Public Health Insurance
Unfortunately, despite of the increasing demand of therapy, no new „Kassensitze“ (therapists who have the possibility of invoicing public insurences directly) are created. Hence, my practice is a private practice. Having said that there is the possibility to apply for the coverage of the costs under certain circumstances as part of the so-called „Kostenerstattungsverfahren“ (reimbursement procedure).
If you have already tried to find a therapist in vain or you’ve been waiting for a log time, but you feel like you can’t postpone the therapy any longer, you can apply for a reimbursement therapy with your insurance. I am happy to support you with all the neccessary steps. In case you are unsure, whether the conditions apply to you, feel free to get in touch with me.
You can find the very helpful leaflet „Rembursement Procedure“ from the Federal Psychotherapist’s Chamber here to download.
Of course, there is always the possibility of paying the costs for a psychotherapy yourself. In this case, your health insurance will not be notified, which can be of great advantage regarding possible health checks, for example if you’d like to take out a new insurance policy.
The professional fee is being calculated according to the „Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten (GOP, Ziffer 870, 2,8 rate)“ with currently 122,41€ per therapy session (50 minutes). A reduction is possible in justified individual cases.
Since it is very important to me to create a good one-on-one basis for working together, I would like my potential clients to get to know me in a personal meeting first. This is why I am offering the first session for a reduced price. The costs won’t be reimbursed by health insurances, since it is counselling, when no psychological disorder can be diagnosed (otherwise it’s psychotherapy). A reduction of the fee is possible in justified individual cases. Freelancing workers who are paying taxes in Germany can reclaim the costs on their tax returns. A fee reduction is possible in individual cases, if neccesary.
Regular Session (à 50 min) 120€
Couple Therapy
Just as with the Counselling Sessions, it is very impotant to me that you as a couple can get a first impression of me and the way I work. This is why I offer the first session for a reduced price. The lengths of the sessions can also be tailored to your specific needs and problems. The costs are not covered by health insurances. A fee reduction is possible in individual cases, if neccesary.
Regular Session (à 80 min) 180€
First Session (à 50 min) 100€